Vice President, Shu-tan Lin, Ph.D.

Shu-tan Lin, Ph.D.
Vice President
Secretary: Jane Liao
TEL:+886-7-3426031 Ext. 1105
Office:11th Floor, Zhishan Hall
- Supervising and coordinating the relevant operations of responsible units.
- Coordinating tasks or related project plans assigned by the president.
- Ph.D., Humanities and Literary Studies, Ochanomizu University, Japan
- M.A. Graduate Studies, University of Tokyo, Japan
- M.A., Japanese literature, Niigata University, Japan
- B.A., Department of Japanese, Fu Jen Catholic University, Taiwan
Academic Appointments
- Visiting Scholar, University of California, Los Angeles (2020)
- Chairperson, Japanese Department (2014-2019), Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
- Assistant Professor, Associate Professor and Professor of Japanese, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
1. Shu-tan Lin. Lafcadio Hearn, Shibusawa Tatsuhiko andYasōkidan: Orchestration of Fantasy. Tokyo: Kanlin Shobo, 2019. (In Japanese, refereed)
2. —. The Reception ofYuchu Xinzhi in the Meiji Era: Honcho Gushoxinshi, Nihon Gushoxinshi and Tankai as Examples. Kaohsiung: Fuwen Books, 2008. (In Japanese, refereed)
Research Interests
Modern Japanese Literature, Japanese fantasy novels, Mori Ogai Studies,
Kanbun novels, East-West Comparative Literature,
Chinese-Japanese Translation and Interpreting,
Cultural Studies, Teaching Japanese as a Second Language.
Refereed Journal Papers
1. Shu-tan Lin. “The Border of An Artist of the Floating World: Cultural Alluvium and Variation.” NTU(National Taiwan University) Studies in Japanese Language and Literature [Taiwan] 44 (2022): 25-45. (In Japanese).
2. —. “In the Depth of Drifting Memory: Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills.” NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature[Taiwan] 41 (2021): 1-20. (In Japanese).
3. —. “Hisao Juran’s Yogenand the Representation of Comics: the Mystical World and the Real World.” Journal of Japanese Language and Literature JJLL [Korea] 114 (2020): 319-333. (In Japanese).
4. —. “Modes of Resistance: Hisao Juran’s ” NTU(National Taiwan University) Studies in Japanese Language and Literature [Taiwan] 37 (2019): 19-38. (In Japanese).
5. —. “Mirage of Drifting: Hisao Juran’s Shin Saiyuki.” JJLL [Korea] 109 (2019): 291-307. (In Japanese).
6. —. “Violence, Body, China: Images of Metropolis in After Dark.” Journal of Japanese Language & Culture JJLC [Korea] 43 (2018): 259-273. (In Japanese).
7. —. “Imagination and Construction of Community in the Movie Narayamabushiko.” JJLL 101 (2017): 93-106. (In Japanese).
8. —. “The Flux of La Lanille et la Manille: Inagaki Taruho’s Perception of Sade.” JJLL 99 (2016):295-313. (In Japanese).
9. —. “Paradigm and Structure of Mishima Yukio’s Madame de Sade.” JJLL97 (2016): 205-19.(In Japanese).
10. —. “Circuit to the Fantasy: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s ” JJLC32 (2015): 239-256. (In Japanese).
11. —. “Publication Ban of Sade and Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Legal and Social Critiques.” JJLL93 (2015): 289-307. (In Japanese).
12. —. “Inheritance, Erōs, and Labyrinth: Design of Imagination in Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s ” Geijutsusijoushugi Bungei[Japan] 40 (2014): 109-18. (In Japanese).
13. —. “Fantasy Space of the Possessed and Nightmare: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Kobikiand ” NTU (National Taiwan University) Studies in Japanese Language and Literature 27 (2014): 109-28.(In Japanese).
14. —. “Lafcadio Hearn’s Retold Stories and Yasōkidan.”JJLL89 (2014): 27-42. (In Japanese).
15. —. “The Vicissitudes and Rebirth of Travel: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s ” JJLC27 (2014): 791-806. (In Japanese).
16. —. “Memories of ‘Japan’ in Taiwanese Movies: Cape No. 7, 1985, and Seediq Bale.” Proceedings of Comparative Literature & Culture [Society of Comparative Literature and Culture, University of Tokyo, Japan] 31 (2014): 14-22. (In Japanese).
17. —. “The Mysterious Spiritual World of Yasōkidan and Tosaikai: Ideas of Apparition and Unusual Space.” New Kanji Kanbun Education [Japan] 57 (2013): 43-52. (In Japanese).
18. —. “The Image of Ogai in the Movie ” Ogai[Mori Ogai’s Memorial Association, Japan] 93 (2013): 29-49. (In Japanese).
19. —.“The Aesthetics of Passing-bySurechigai: From Ibaragi Tomoo to Ibaraki Tomoo.”JJLC 24 (2013): 391-404. (In Japanese).
20. —. “Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Gabijin: Images of Body and Space.” Kokubun[Japan] 118 (2012): 24-35. (In Japanese).
21. —. “An Elegy of a Blue Bird: A Study on Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Ga-bijin.” Proceedings of the 35thInternational Conference of Japanese Literature [National Institute of Japanese Literature, Japan] (2012): 79-86. (In Japanese).
22. —. “Lafcadio Hearn’s The Story of Kwashin Koji: On the Space of the Story.” Kaisyaku[Japan] 58 (2012): 12-21. (In Japanese).
23. —. “A Study of the Editions of the Yuchu Xinzhi.” Languages, Literary Studies and International Studies: An International Journal[Taiwan] 5 (2008): 97-112. (In Japanese).
24. —. “A Study on Japanese Kanbun novel Honcho Gushoxinshi: Focusing on Touzokuden.” New Kanji Kanbun Education[Japan] 46 (2008): 41-50. (In Japanese).
25. —. “Legendary or Not: On Mori Ogai’s Historical Literature.” Chung Wai Literary Monthly [Taiwan] 34.5 (2005): 67-86. (In Chinese).
26. —. “Mori Ogai and the Chinese Ming-Qing Love-story Collection, the Qingshi: Focusing on Maihime, Utakata no Ki,and ” Proceedings of the 28th International Conference of Japanese Literature [National Institute of Japanese Literature, Japan] (2005): 113-129. (In Japanese).
27. —. “Mori Ogai’s Maihime: the Relation with Classical Chinese Literature, the Qingshiand the Huoxiaoyu zhuan.” NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature [Taiwan] 7 (2004): 91-110. (In Japanese).
28. —. “Mori Ogai’s Ganand the Xiaoqing zhuan.” Japanese Language Education in Taiwan [Taiwan] 8 (2004): 109-136. (In Japanese).
29. —. “‘Ki’ ( “the strange, the marvelous, the exceptional” ) in Mori Ogai.” Journal of the Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences[Japan] 5 (2003): 4-1~4-11. (In Japanese).
30. —. “Mori Ogai’s Gyogenki: Viewed in Terms of the Chinese “Caizi jiaren” Ideal.” Bulletin of Graduate School of Humanities and Sciences[Japan] 25 (2002): 2-32~2-39. (In Japanese).
31. —. “Mori Ogai’s Ganand Jinpingmei: The Interweaving of Two Novels.” Ogai [Mori Ogai’s Memorial Association, Japan] 69 (2001): 118-129. (In Japanese).
32. —. “Ogai Mori’s Ganand Yuchuxinzhi, Dateizhuizhuan.” Proceedings of Comparative Literature & Culture [Society of Comparative Literature and Culture, University of Tokyo, Japan] 17 (2000): 92-100. (In Japanese).
33. —. “Yuchuxinshi, the literary background of Mori Ogai’s Gan.” Ogai [Mori Ogai’s Memorial Association, Japan] 64 (1999): 128-141. (In Japanese).
Book Chapters
1. Shu-tan Lin. “Active Learning in Translation Studies”, The 27thPrinceton Japanese Pedagogy Forum PROCEEDINGS: 157-163. (Princeton, USA, July, 2021).
2. —. “Active Learning in Movie Studies: Narayamabushiko”, The 24thPrinceton Japanese Pedagogy Forum PROCEEDINGS : 246-252. (Princeton, USA, March, 2019).
3. —. “A Topsy-turvy World: Heuristic Reading of” Cross-Cultural and Interdisciplinary Teaching: Theory, Strategy, and Practice.Kaohsiung: Center for the Humanities, National Sun Yat-sen University, 2019. 113-127. (In Chinese, refereed).
4. —. “Life and Communal Memories: The World of ” Interflow of Knowledge in East Asia: Border Transgression, Memory, and Symbiosis.Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2018. 39-61. (In Japanese, refereed).
5. —. “Linkage Between Literary Education and Society: A Topical Excursus of ‘Boshizo.’” Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, 2017 Proceedings: 131-135. (Calgary, Canada, September, 2017).
6. —. “Instructor’s Role in Adopting Imaging Texts in Literary Pedagogy.” Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, 2015 Proceedings: 150-154. (Vancouver, Canada, September, 2015).
7. —. “The Importance of Media Literacy in Japanese Language Education.” Foreign Language Education: Collected Essays of The 10thCross-Strait Foreign Language Education Symposium. Shanghai: Shanghai Foreign Languages Education Press, 2015. 183-191. (In Japanese, refereed).
8. —. “Light Searching Travels: A Study of Takaoka Shino Koukaiki.” Ocean, Geographical Exploration and Subjectivity.Kaohsiung: National Sun Yat-sen University Humanities Center and College of Liberal Arts, 2015. 137-156. (In Chinese, refereed).
9. —. “An Open Japanese Culture Course: The Module of Wenzao Ursuline College’s Japanese Department.” Collected Essays of The 8thCross-Strait Foreign Language Education Symposium . Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2012. 492-504. (In Japanese, refereed).
10. —. “A Study of Ishikawa Kousai’s Yasōkidanand ” Application and Development of Japanese Language Instruction, 2009. Kaohsiung: Wenzao Ursuline College, Japanese Department, 2010. 125-140. (In Japanese, refereed).
11. —. “Young Girl Novels in Taiwan.” Young Girl Novel Wonderland: from Meiji to Heisei.Tokyo: Meiji Shoin, 2008. 148-150. (In Japanese, refereed).
12. —. “A Study of Mori Ogai’s ” Collected Essays of The 4thCross-Strait Foreign Language Education Symposium. Beijing: Foreign Language Teaching and Research Press, 2008. 236-245. (In Japanese, refereed).
Edited Book
Shu-tan Lin and Chen Mingzi eds. Interflow of Knowledge in East Asia: Border Transgression, Memory, and Symbiosis. Taipei: National Taiwan University Press, 2018. (In Japanese, refereed).
Conference Papers
1. Shu-tan LIN, “Kazuo Ishiguro: Multidimensions and Paling Effect in His Early Works”, The University of Hong Kong, The 13th International Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese Studies, November 18-19, 2023, Hong Kong.
2. —. “The DEI Issues in Taiwan’s Japanese Language Instruction.” 4thNorthwest Conference on Japanese Pedagogy, University of Washington. May 21, 2023, Seattle, USA. (blind-reviewed).
3. —. “The Image of the Japanese in Ishiguro’s Movie The White Countess.” The 45thInternational Conference of Japanese Literature, National Institute of Japanese Literature, Japan. May 14, 2022, Tokyo, Japan. (blind-reviewed).
4. —. “Active Learning in Translation Studies”, Princeton University, The 27thPrinceton Japanese Pedagogy Forum, May 8, 2021, Princeton, USA. (blind-reviewed).
5. —. “Some Views on Ishiguro’s A Pale View of Hills.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea 2020, Winter International Symposium. Dec. 19, 2020, Seoul, Korea.
6. —. “Communication with the Mystical World: Language, Comics and Images of Yogen.” The 12thInternational Symposium on Japanese Language Education and Japanese studies, Hong Kong Polytechnic University. December 8-9, 2018, Hong Kong. (blind-reviewed).
7. —. “On Hisao Juran’s ” Japan, Korea and China International Symposium on Japanese Language and Culture, 2017. Oct. 14, 2017, Tokyo, Japan.
8. —. “On Murakami Haruki’s After Dark.” Japanese Language & Culture Association of Korea 2017, Spring International Symposium. May. 20, 2017, Seoul, Korea.
9. —. “The Drifting Family in the movie ” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea 2016, Winter International Symposium. Dec. 17, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
10.—. “Taruho and Sade: Focusing on La Lanille et la Manille.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea, 2016. Spring International Symposium. April 23, 2016, Seoul, Korea.
11. —. “Instructor’s Role in Adopting Imaging Texts in Literary Pedagogy.” Canadian Association for Japanese Language Education, CAJLE Annual Conference 2015. August 20-21, 2015, Vancouver, Canada. (blind-reviewed).
12. —. “On Mishima Yukio’s Madame de Sade.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea, 2015. Spring International Symposium. April 18, 2015, Seoul, Korea.
13. —. “Travel in Shibusawa’s works.” Japanese Language & Culture Association of Korea, 2014. Spring International Symposium. May 10, 2014, Seoul, Korea.
14. —. “The Mask of a Virgin: on Sibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Kayouki.” The 33rdCongress of Japan and Japanese Literature Association. July 7, 2013, Kobe, Japan. (blind-reviewed).
15. —. “On Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Boronji.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea, 2012. Winter International Symposium. Dec. 15, 2012, Seoul, Korea.
16. —. “Blue Bird’s Swan-Song: Shibusawa Tatsuhiko’s Gabijin.” The 35thInternational Conference of Japanese Literature, National Institute of Japanese Literature, Japan. Nov. 26, 2011. (blind-reviewed).
17. —. “Lafcadio Hearn’s Retold Stories and Yasōkidan.” Japan Kanbun Novel Association Monthly Seminar. May 29, 2011, Tokyo, Japan. (blind-reviewed).
18. —. “On Ishikawa Kousai’s Yasōkidan: Focusing on Episodes of Paintings.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Korea, 2010. Spring International Symposium. April 17, 2010, Seoul, Korea.
19. —. “Mori Ogai and the Chinese Ming-Qing Love-story Collection, the QingshileilueFocusing on Maihime, Utakata no Ki,and Gan.” The 28th International Conference of Japanese Literature, National Institute of Japanese Literature, Japan, Nov. 11, 2004. (blind-reviewed).
20. —. “‘Ki’ in Mori Ogai and the Chinese Ming-Qing story Yuchuxinshi.” Japan Comparative Literature Association, Tokyo Chapter November Assembly. November 18, 2000. (blind-reviewed).
1. Shu-tan Lin. “Life and Communal Memories: The World of Narayamabushiko.” The 6th Japan-Taiwan Asian Future Forum. May 21, 2016, Kaohsiung, Taiwan. (blind-reviewed).
2. —. “The Chinese ‘Caizi jiaren’ Narrative Pattern in Qingtian Biyiyuan.” The Ming and Qing Studies International Conference, 2013. Academia Sinica, Dec. 6, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan. (blind-reviewed).
3. —. “Fantasy Space of the Possessed, Nightmare and Out of Boundary: Focusing on Kobikiand Yumechigae.” The Fourth Contemporary Japan Studies International Conference. Nov. 9, 2013, Taipei, Taiwan.
4. —. “Ishikawa Kousai’s Yasōkidanand Lafcadio Hearn’s ‘The Story of O-tei,’ and ‘Of a Mirror and Clock.’” Japanese Language and Literature Studies in National Taiwan University, 2009. Sept. 25, 2009, Taipei, Taiwan.
5. —. “Kikuchi Sankei’s Kinezumi Chokichidenand Koudan.” Faculty Research Seminar of Wenzao Ursuline College, 2008. May 8, 2009, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
6. —. “On Yodagakkai’s Tankai.” National Taiwan University Japanese Language Innovation Conference. May. 31, 2008, Taipei, Taiwan.
7. —. “Virago’s Fancy: Kikuchi Sankei’s Enshikodenand Kanagaki Robun’s Takahashi Oden Yanintan .” May 31, 2008. Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
8. —. “Cultural Activities in the 6thWorld Games.” Cultural Industries Research Publicity Forum, Wenzao Ursuline College, 2007. June 14, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
9. —. “Yuchuxinshiand Honcho Gushoshinshi’s” Japanese Language Education and Culture International Symposium, 2006. Taiwan Japanese Language Teaching Association Annual Conference. Dec. 9, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
10. —. “A Preliminary View on Mori Ogai’s Junin Toiro.” National Taiwan University Japanese Language Innovation Conference, 2006. Nov. 4, 2006, Taipei, Taiwan.
11. —. “Mori Ogai’s Early Literary Theory of Romance and Novel.” Japanese Language Education and Culture International Symposium, 2004. Nov. 27, 2004, Taipei, Taiwan.
12. —.“ The Chinese Ming-Qing FictionYuchuxinshi: A Forgotten Chuanqi Novel.” The First Cross-Strait Foreign Language Institutes Conference and Media Instruction Workshop, 2004. Oct 23, 2004, Kaohsiung, Taiwan.
1. Shu-tan Lin. “The Importance of Media Literacy in Japanese Language Teaching.” The 10thCross-Strait Foreign Language Teaching Conference, Shanghai International Studies University. October 27, 2013.
2. —. “An Open Japanese Culture Course: The Mode of Wenzao Ursuline College’s Japanese Department.” The 8thCross-Strait Foreign Language Teaching Conference. Beijing Foreign Studies University. October 16, 2011, Beijing.
3. —. “Preliminary Study of Mori Ogai’s Nezumizaka.” Beijing Foreign Studies University, Nov. 4, 2007, Beijing.
4. —. “The Booming Image of Japan in Taiwan: Focusing on Language Expression.” Shanghai International Studies University. Nov. 19, 2005, Shanghai, China.
Professional Services
1. Examiner and Interviewer, Tourists and Tour Leaders General License Examination, Examination Yuan
2. External Examining Evaluator, Technical Colleges and Universities Self-Evaluation Committee, Ministry of Education
3. Evaluator, University Rating and Accreditation Project, Ministry of Education
4. Evaluator, Taiwan Rating and Accreditation Association, Ministry of Education
5. Examiner and Group Convener, Foreign Language, Technical Colleges and Universities Entrance Examination Board
6. Councilor/Consultant, Japanese Language & Culture Association of Korea
7. Editorial Member/Advisor:NTU Studies in Japanese Language and Literature (National Taiwan University), Journal of Applied Foreign Languages (National Kaohsiung University of Science and Technology), NUK Journal of Humanities (National University of Kaohsiung).
Feature Presentations/Talks
1. “Trends of Modern Culture in Taiwan and their Relevance with Japanese Society.” Bunkyo University, January 14, 2020, Tokyo, Japan.
2. “Deconstructing the Myth of Higher Education’s Investiture of Ranking.” Dalian Maritime University, October 12, 2018, Dalian, China.
3. “Languages, Culture and Consumption in Asian Communities: Toward the Creation of a Communal Body/System.” One Asia Convention, August 4, 2018, Hanoi, Vietnam.
4. Japanese Language Curriculum and Its Ties with Cross-discipline Yardstick.” Jilin University, September 9, 2017, Jilin, China.
5. “Japanese Language Instruction in Taiwan’s Universities.” Xiamen University, November 22, 2015, Xiamen, China.
6. “Memories of Japan in Taiwanese Movies.” Sanda University, November 19, 2015, Shanghai, China.
7. “Some reflections on Comparative Literature Studies.” Soka University, November 10, 2004, Tokyo, Japan.
1. “Social Distance of the Japanese.” National University of Kaohsiung, November 14, 2023, Kaohsiung.
2. “Casting off the Yoke of Solitude: Toward Establishing an Asian Community.” National University of Kaohsiung, October 25, 2022, Kaohsiung.
3. “Self-Learning in Interweaving tactics of Literary and film studies.” Action Workshop, Office of Instructional Practicum Project, Ministry of Education, May 31, 2019, Kaohsiung.
4. “Aspects of Instructors’ Growth and Departmental Development.” Shu-Zen Junior College of Medicine and Management, January 9, 2018, Kaohsiung.
5. “Promoting Further Interflow Between Japan and Taiwan’s Educational System.” Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association, December 2, 2017, Kaohsiung.
6. “Status Quo and Future Prospects of Applied Japanese Departments in Taiwan’s Technical Higher Education System.” Japanese Language and Literature Association of Taiwan, October 21, 2017, Taipei.
7. “Strategies of Applying Literary Curriculum in Japanese Instruction.” National Taichung University of Science and Technology, October 5, 2017, Taichung.
8. “Japan’s Traditional Performance Arts.” Southern Branch of the National Palace Museum, 3 sessions, December 2009 – January, 2010, Jiayi.
1. Recipient of Ministry of Science and Technology Research Grants: Academic Years 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2012, 2013, 2014, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019, 2020, 2021-2022, 2023.
2. Sumitomo Foundation Fiscal Year 2011 Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
3. Sumitomo Foundation Fiscal Year 2013 Grant for Japan-related Research Projects
4. Curriculum Development on Asian Community Grants, One Asia Foundation (Japan) 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.
5. MOE Teaching & Practicum Research Program, Ministry of Education, ROC: Academic Years 2018, 2019, 2020, 2022, 2023.
1. Japan-Taiwan Exchange Association Fellowship 1996-; 2001-.
2. Ministry of Science and Technology Meritorious Faculty Awards: Academic Years 2013-2015; 2018-2019; 2021.
3. Wenzao Ursuline Academic Merit Awards: Academic years 2012-2022.
4. Wenzao Ursuline Research Achievement Award: Academic year 2014-2015; 2018-2019.