Office of Research and Development



Dean of Research and Development

Chieh-Yu Tsai, Ph.D.

Chieh-Yu Tsai, Ph.D.

Education Background: Ph.D. in Philosophy
Tunghai University, Taiwan, R.O.C.

Secretary: Ms.

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 3201, 3202


Based on the concept of fostering teacher growth and school development, the Research and Development Office aims to become an innovative hub for cultural knowledge creation. It consists of three sections: the Institutional Development Section, the Institutional Research Section, and the Industry-Government-Academia Cooperation Section.

Ways to contribute to Wenzao

Q: Ways to contribute to Wenzao?

Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below




Ways to contribute to Wenzao

Q: Ways to contribute to Wenzao?

Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below


Institutional Development Section

■ University development committee meetings.
■ Mid-term university development plan.
■  Promote and carry out USR projects and help solve social problems and issues in local communities with university faculty’s and students’ expertise and cross-disciplinary collaboration.

Contact us:

1st floor of Lourdes Hall
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 3241~3245

Office of University Social Responsiblity
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 3208-3211、6303

Institutional Research Section

■ Data collection and analysis for IR.
■ Administrative business for IR.
■ Collection, analysis, and evaluation of institutional research data.
■ Building institutional research data dashboards.
■ Filling and maintenance of statistics databases.
■ Managing institutional research data requests.

Contact us:
4nd floor of Administration Building
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 3221~3224

Industry-Government-Academia-Cooperation Section

■ Teachers commissioned for training programs and courses at public and private sectors.
■ Teachers participating in public or private sector training programs.
■ Faculty reward and incentives of the IGA research project applications.
■ Review and compile the collecting IGA related data for Vocational and Technological College and University Basic Database.
■ IGA performance of MOE subsidies.
■ Ministry of Science and Technology affairs subsidy application
■ The Southern Taiwan Universities Consortium for Human Research Ethics affairs
■ Review Committee of Academic and Research Rewards and Subsidies meetings


Contact us:
1st floor of Lourdes Hall
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 3231~3234, 3325

Academic Journal

Ways to contribute to Wenzao

Q: Ways to contribute to Wenzao?

Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below


Languages and International Studies

Related Links

Ways to contribute to Wenzao

Q: Ways to contribute to Wenzao?

Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below


Ministry of Education

National Science and Technology Council

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