Student Life

Student's General Experiences

Name: Jessica 江雪佳
Department: B.A Department of German

Compared to other universities in Taiwan, I believe that Wenzao University has the most diverse campus environment, which is a good support for my learning process. I have the chance to meet other students and professors from different countries with different backgrounds and culture, from whom I can learn so many things. I have been enjoying my pretty balanced university life for 2.5 years now. Not only studying or hearing lectures in the classroom, I have also participated in many cultural exchange programs and events, some of which were conducted by Wenzao SOSA. I met many wonderful people through these events. Exchanging thoughts and opinions is an essential learning method and it has widened my knowledge and my paradigm. Other than cultural events, there are also other volunteer programs I have participated in. Of course, these programs offer different learning experience. Wenzao University has many more programs and events; the university has always been giving chances for the students to improve each one of them.


Name: Rommero Robertus
Department: B.A Department of International Business
Belajar di Wenzao merupakan pengalaman yang sangat mengubah hidup saya. Kesempatan ini membuat saya menjadi pribadi yang jauh lebih baik, dari segi cara berpikir dan juga kepribadian saya. Saya belajar tidak hanya dari kelas-kelas yang disediakan, tetapi juga belajar dari lingkungan sekitar, aktivitas kampus yang ada, dan juga kegiatan voluntir yang ada di Wenzao. Saya ingin berterimakasih kepada Wenzao karena telah memberikan ruang kesempatan kepada orang-orang untuk berkembang dan menjadi pribadi yang lebih baik lagi.


Name: Janice Fritzia
Department: B.A Department of English
Aku belajar banyak banget dan dapet pengalaman yang banyak juga dari Wenzao. Banyak peluang dan kelas yang menarik untuk dipelajari. Kalau denger kata English department pasti mikirnya cuman belajar sastra atau cuman Bahasa doang, tetapi itu sebenernya engga terjadi. Aku belajar English sebagai bentuk communication depan umum, translation , dan bahkan business. Aku juga merasa kelas ini bakal membuka peluang kerja yang sangat banyak kedepannya. Aku bahkan bisa mendapat pengalaman mengajar di sekolah Taiwan karena  Wenzao.


Name: Henning Funke
Department: International Affairs
After 12 years of school in Germany and three years of apprenticeship, I ended up studying in Taiwan. I got in touch with Taiwan for the first time in 2013, my German secondary school and the German department of Wenzao have set up an exchange program, and I was a lucky one who got the chance to come over. And although I had my doubts when I left the airport, I fell in love with Taiwan pretty soon: the friendly people, great food, good weather, and the country’s beauty. All those great memories helped me decide to move over to Taiwan for my study program. In late August 2018, I entered Taiwan for the 6th time to begin my bachelor’s degree in international affairs.

However, being enrolled in a Taiwanese university gave me new viewpoints on Taiwan. It was challenging to stay motivated in the first semester because of the cultural shocks I experienced for the first time. Although all my courses are taught in English, the language has been a barrier between international students and the locals. Furthermore, it took time to develop relations with them as local students are much shyer on average. And instead of student parties, I had to face physical education in my first two years. So, I used the first semester to learn to understand, respect, and deal with the Taiwanese culture on campus. After finding my place in this environment, I saw the advantages and fun of being a student in Taiwan.

The Department of International Affairs enables studying at a high level in an international environment. The program covers the fields of international politics, international economy, and international cultural studies. It provides a variety of courses in each field, which makes it easy to meet personnel interests. In contrast to the very theoretical-based approaches in Germany, Taiwanese courses focus more on the practical usage of theories. Professors shape lectures and discussions lively and encourage students to think out of the box. All professors from the department have an international background, are open-minded, and give their best so that every student stays on track. Around 250 students from more than 40 countries are enrolled in the bachelor’s program – in this way, I can also learn a lot from different people and cultures and improve my soft skills.

The department also provides a sympathetic ear, supports me in my private matters, and does a lot to pave the way for my graduation. It helps me to connect all my interests and build them into a career. Studying in Taiwan was definitely the right choice, and I feel really comfortable here.


Name: Nidhi Shipra Lugun
Department: B.A Department of English
Taiwan is an aesthetic island with vast cultures and welcoming citizens. Being a foreigner, it’s always a different experience when I meet people here. I have been to different schools for volunteering activities and found that people actually want to learn and respect the cultures of other countries. At the beginning, I faced quite few issues in communication due to language barrier but as time passed, I adjusted myself well with the environment here. Being an English major student in Wenzao, I was also given the free classes to learn Mandarin because of which it was easy for me to communicate with the locals here. Wenzao Ursuline University of languages provided the option to choose second language which made it more easy for me to learn Mandarin. The University also collaborates with several schools for volunteering activities which gives me vast experience exploring and learning about the culture, people and beautiful places here in Taiwan.

Furthermore, since Taiwan is the first foreign country I came, it was overwhelming to know about the facilities provided by the government to the foreign students like health insurance, which is quite appreciable. Easy to travel around with the quick mode of transportations are quite reliable too. I hope in the rest of the years I have to spend here, I can create and explore more beautiful side of Taiwan


Name: Maria Wilkinson
Department: Department of International Affairs

On my first day of school at Wenzao as an undergraduate student, I was Maria Wilkinson, 21 years old and only comprehending slightly what studying in Taiwan meant for me. At this time, I didn’t have the foresight to recognize how significant the next four years were going to be.

What I have experienced in Taiwan and at Wenzao has been growth, both academically and personally. As an International Affairs student, I can now knowledgeably explain the Syrian war, I can explain the significance of politician’s stories developed from current events, and most importantly, I can write an academic thesis. What I learned from gaining this academic knowledge was (1) something worth doing takes time and hard work, (2) mastering self-discipline is essential for worthy results, and (3) rather than looking at adversity as a daunting task, one should embrace the obstacles as a chance to learn. On top of these three lessons learned, one of the most prominent things I have learned is that my future, after being in Taiwan, is broad and wide. There was no greater place to study, for me, than Taiwan.


Department: Department of Translation and Interpreting

Với sự hy vọng được đến Đài Loan thực hiện ước mơ, tôi cho phép bản thân mình bước ra vòng an toàn của bản thân. Nơi đây tôi được va chạm với những văn hóa khác nhau và thấy được Đài Loan hội nhập nhiều nền văn hóa từ các nước gần xa. Không những vậy, lần đầu tiên tôi được tham gia những hoạt động giao lưu kết bạn, giao lưu văn hóa, ca hát nhảy múa cùng các bạn trong trường, tôi cảm thấy thật sự mới mẻ. Bên cạnh những điều thú vị tôi cũng gặp khá nhiều những khó khăn về mặt bất đồng ngôn ngữ, học tập, khẩu vị ẩm thực và phong cách sống của người dân Đài Loan, nhưng đi đôi với những khó khăn đó tôi có những sự giúp đỡ từ bạn bè, từ thầy cô, từ những người tôi không quen biết và tôi khá là bất ngờ khi con người Đài Loan gần gũi nhiệt tình đến vậy, họ sẵn sàng dạy cho tôi tiếng trung và cả tiếng phúc kiến, và luôn luôn có một sự tử tế trong cách đối đãi với tôi, tôi thật sự cảm thấy biết ơn vì điều đó . Đến với Đài Loan là một cuộc trải nghiệm thật sự thú vị giúp tôi trưởng thành hơn và tôi rất vui vì điều đó!


Name: Natasya Leony Aurora Putri
Department: B.A Department of English

Hello my name is Leony, majoring in English. I am glad to have the opportunity to study in Taiwan, moreover to get a full scholarship at Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages (including tuition fee, dormitory, and meals coupons NT$10,500). Besides gaining knowledge from college, I got a lot of memories here. For example, I made new Indonesian and foreign friends. I also had the opportunity to have a “service hour” at school, where I practiced Mandarin.


Name: Jan Filipp
Department: International Business Administration

There was no plan at the beginning. I was going to take Chinese classes for two semesters and go back to Europe, richer by one adventure. Not everything went along the plan..The past few years have been filled with a variety of enriching experiences. Since I came here for the first time in 2017, I have been able to observe both the development of Taiwan as a country and my own growth over the time that I have got to spend here. The people I have come across, skills I have learnt, and inspirations taken from this reality, changed my juvenile adventure into a dream come true. The past few years have been filled with a variety of enriching experiences. Since I came here for the first time in 2017, I have been able to observe both the development of Taiwan as a country and my own growth over the time that I have got to spend here. The people I have come across, skills I have learnt, and inspirations taken from this reality, changed my juvenile adventure into a dream come true.“When in Rome, act as the Romans do” – people say. Nevertheless, ever since I came here, I have never felt compelled to fully immerse. Which was definitely different to what I was used in Europe. There is a set of challenges that every expatriate must face once abroad, but Taiwan makes it easier for one to adjust since there is no obligation to fully adjust. Personally, I only became interested in Taiwanese culture after a year in, and I felt the urge to do so out of freedom. It is rarely expected of foreigner citizen to live up to the same norms as the locals but it is definitely really appreciated.Another thing that is really appreciated is when you learn the local language. That doesn’t necessarily mean that you need to master everything by the time you make it here to have others’ respect. It is mostly about the attitude – curiosity, how you improve overtime and the impression of an active learner. But even without the language, it is a pleasant experience to be here and try to figure out a whole new world on your own.There are countless attractions to see in Taiwan – the Chinese heritage that has evolved in a unique way, breath-taking mountainous landscapes (distinct for each part of the island), three different climate zones on one small island. All that at the mere cost of affordable train tickets that can be accessed with one versatile “Easy Card” (public transportation card system).I am in the last year of my degree now and honestly hate to part with my school. At the same time, I see how many opportunities this place has to offer, regardless of whether I decide to settle down in here or leave for another direction in the world.


Name: Yap Zhao Xian
Department: Department of Japan

I would choose Wenzao University because of its diverse campus environment. Even though we are only in Taiwan, we can see people from many different countries communicating with each other and learning from each other. Wenzao also has many courses for foreign students, and there are courses taught entirely in English. All these make me feel that I have chosen the right school. I think Wenzao University is well prepared in many aspects as a foreign language university. If you are interested in languages, Wenzao University of Languages is the best choice.


Name: Vong Ky Oanh
Department: Department of English

Ấn tượng đầu tiên của tôi đối với trường Văn Tảo là kiến trúc. Kiến trúc mang nét khá cổ điển. Tiếp là giáo viên tại trường đại học Ngôn Ngữ Văn Tảo rất nhiệt tình và rất tốt bụng. Giáo viên sẽ luôn nhiệt tình giúp đỡ bạn nếu bạn gặp khó khăn trong việc học. Ngoài ra, giáo viên còn sẵn sàng tư vấn tâm lý cho bạn nếu bạn gặp một số khó khăn nào đó. bạn sẽ có những trải nghiệm khá rất ấm áp và vui vẻ ở Văn Tảo.


Name: Miku Tanaka (Exchange Student)

I came to Taiwan to study for one year. The Wenzao SOSA helped me so much, for example they were ready with some people that are called “Buddy”. This is a Wenzao student that can help us with some things that we don’t know. I’m Japanese so my buddy was able to speak Japanese. Also they have a lot of activities that can make your stay very memorable. While I’m here of course I’m here to study Chinese, so I have 2 hours of Chinese each day on the weekdays. These classes are divided into three groups so you will be able to study with the same level of students so I didn’t feel pressure and the teachers won’t use any English so it really helps me learn Chinese so fast.


Name: Amileh Begum (Exchange Student)

Wenzao is a very interesting university. The campus is quite small but that adds to its charm. The CLC Chinese lessons are very helpful and the teachers are experienced enough to cater to different levels and make the learning fun. There is a wide variety of classes you can take, such as politics, debate, English teaching, Spanish and film studies. There is a lot of help from SOSA when it comes to administrative issues like applying for health insurance. SOSA also holds events for the exchange students to integrate them such as trips and festive gatherings. Overall, Wenzao is a great place to experience Taiwanese higher education.


Name: Luis Gregorio Velasco Lopez
Department: Graduate Institute of Multilingual Translation and Interpreting

When I first decided to move to Taiwan I was a bit unsure about what school to go to but in the end I chose to attend Wenzao. Initially, I got here and didn’t know if it was the right fit but now I am completely sure that this was the right choice for me. The environment in Wenzao is really great. All students, Taiwanese as well as other internationals, are really nice and friendly. It was really easy to adapt, make friends and find people with similar interests. The staff is also great. If I ever have any questions or need help, I often find myself going to the international office and everyone there is always willing to help us out. My program has the absolute best professors. Since they have real life experience they are very knowledgeable of the subjects we study not only academically but pragmatically as well. This has allowed us to learn things from different perspectives and not just an academic outlook. The classmates I have encountered are also another good thing about Wenzao, we are able to help each other and collaborate when needed, making those difficult times in class a little bit easier. On top of all the things I mentioned, Kaohsiung is a very cool city. We always have amazing weather, the sky is always blue and we get a lot of sun, sometimes a little too much. There are many beautiful places to visit to learn about history and culture or simply just to take fun pictures with friends. The food in the south of Taiwan is known to be delicious and that is not an understatement. We are also surrounded by mountains and the ocean, hiking and going to the beach are a typical weekend for me. Lastly, people are not only nice in Wenzao but throughout the whole city, you can feel the warmth from everyone you interact with, perhaps that’s why it gets so hot here. All these reasons are why I think Wenzao is a great place to choose for your studies in Taiwan.


Name: Nidhi Shipra Lugun
Department: B.A Department of English

Hello! My name is Nidhi and am from India. Three years back I came to Taiwan and since then I have fallen in love with this small but beautiful country. Taiwan is an aesthetic island with vast cultures and welcoming citizens. Being a foreigner, it’s always a different experience when I meet people here. I have been to different schools for volunteering activities and found that people actually want to learn and respect the cultures of other countries. At the beginning, I faced quite few issues in communication due to language barrier but as time passed, I adjusted myself well with the environment here. Being an English major student in Wenzao, I was also given the free classes to learn Mandarin because of which it was easy for me to communicate with the locals here. Wenzao Ursuline University of languages provided the option to choose second language which made it more easy for me to learn Mandarin. The University also collaborates with several schools for volunteering activities which gives me vast experience exploring and learning about the culture, people and beautiful places here in Taiwan. Since, I have one more year to go, I would like to learn and experience most from what Taiwan can offer me as a student. Furthermore, since Taiwan is the first foreign country I came, it was overwhelming to know about the facilities provided by the government to the foreign students like health insurance, which is quite appreciable. Easy to travel around with the quick mode of transportations are quite reliable too. I hope in the rest of the years I have to spend here, I can create and explore more beautiful side of Taiwan. I hope to continue my studies here with great zeal and enthusiasm.

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