Chen Yu-chun, Ph.D.
Education Background:
Ph. D. in FLE, Université Catholique de Louvain
Secretary: Ms. Ke-Xuan, Wei
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2201~2204

Kang Su-Ju, Ph.D.
Education Background:
Ph.D. in Public International Law, University of Rennes 1, France
Secretary: Ms. Ke-Xuan, Wei
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2201~2204
Ways to contribute to Wenzao
Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below
Ways to contribute to Wenzao
Individual: please complete the contribution form at the PR office or the Cashier Section, or pay in cash at the Cashier Section.
Fund-raising events: please prepare a copy of the contributors’ information to and pay at the Cashier Section.
For the further information, please refer to the PR office’s website below
Student Assistance Section
1. Roll call and leave-taking system
2. Conduct operation (presence/absence/reward/punishment) and hold related meetings.
3. Tracking and counseling students having problem of attendance (including regularly repeated clients).
4. MOE subsidy for student affairs and counseling.
5. Conduct education promotion.
6. Law-related education promotion.
7. Promotion of intellectual property rights.
8. Exemption for tuition/ miscellaneous fees.
9. Student loan.
10. Subsidy provided by the School (including sponsorship plan for underprivileged students, free-tuition for students among 1-3 grades of 5-year college, work-study scholarship and help dreams project).
11. Lost and Found.
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
1st floor of Administration Building
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2211~2218
Extracurricular Activities Section
1. Promotion and guidance governing students clubs.
2. Implementation of regular activities held on campus (school opening ceremony, graduation ceremony etc).
3. Implementation of big events on campus (charity bazaar).
4. Selection of outstanding students.
5. Application for extracurricular contests rewards.
6. Service learning projects promotion.
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
under Chapel in Praise of Jesus
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2221, 2222, 2225, 2228
Health Section
1. Health Counseling.
2. Emergency treatment and referral.
3. Provision of health information.
4. Wheelchair and first-aid kit loans.
5. General checkup for newly enrolled students and transfer and tracking.
6. Health for students with chronic diseases.
7. Speeches and activities in regard to health.
8. First-aid training certificates.
9. Group insurance.
10. Hygiene of food/beverage suppliers on campus.
11. Blood donation activities.
12. Creating health education activities.
13. Infectious disease prevention.
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
1st floor of Administration Building
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2241~2243, 2245
Indigenous Student Resource Center
1. Campus life companion
-Senior and freshmen groups
-Orientation and final feedback meetings
-Scholarship for Indigenous students
2. Career Development
-Career workshops
-Occupational suitability diagnostic test and analysis
-Entrepreneurship visit
3. Academic learning
-School work counseling
4. Indigenous Cultures promotion
-Indigenous Cultures seminars
-Tribal visit
-Indigenous Cultures study
-Indigenous Students Club counseling
5. Social Engagement and particiation
-Volunteer work for tribal village
-Volunteer at the tribal village’s charity activies
6. Related administration for Indigenous students
-Administration for Indigenous students
-Consultation on issues related to Indigenous peoples on/ off campus
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
under Chapel in Praise of Jesus
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2231~2232
Career Development Center
1. Career competency & CPAS assessment.
2. Seminars/workshops on career.
3. Professional license subsidy.
4. W-portfolio online system management.
5. Information on pursuing higher studies & government examinations.
6. Career tutor seminars.
7. Books/magazines loans.
8. Collaboration with each dept/graduate institute for internships.
9. MOE’s internship subsidy outside the School.
10. MOE’s Internship Abroad Project.
11. Wenzao 104 jobs bank management.
12. Job fair/ Recruitment and Orientation.
13. Career clusters questionnaire and employers satisfaction survey towards alumni.
14. Career development & volunteers training.
15. Future Work Lab.
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
2nd floor of Administration Building
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2261~2265
Counseling Center
1. Individual and group counseling; psychologist in residence.
2. Psychological tests and evaluation.
3. Depression prevention and psychological state assessment.
4. Counseling governing life of newly enrolled students.
5. Gender equality education and life education promotion.
6. Counseling governing regularly repeated clients, transfer students, students of resumption, high care students and foreign students.
7. Learning guidance.
8. Counseling workshops for tutors.
9. Resource room for physically/mentally challenged students.
10. Committee of students grievances.
11. Gender equality education promotion.
12. Counseling governing Division of Continuing Education.
13. Matters in regard to tutors (class records and tutors meetings).
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
2nd floor of Administration Building
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2271~2280, 2282
Military Education Office
1. Implementation and promotion of military training.
2. Recruitment of national armed forces.
3. Counting length of military service.
4. National defense education of Kaohsiung/Pingtung Resource Center.
5. Implementation and promotion on dormitory.
6. Help to carry out works of Student Assistance Section.
7. Safe drive education (including students buses).
8. Safety report and risk management.
9. Safety on campus (regular patrol on campus).
10. Guidance governing students who rent rooms off campus (including lease via Cloud Service).
11. Beds arrangement on dormitory.
12. Report of students states (to tutor, chairperson of dept. or Student Assistance Section).
13. Counseling, referral, tracking and report of students moods.
14. Health care and report on dormitory.
15. Late return, stay over night off campus and leave-taking on dormitory.
16. Facility check, malfunction report and maintenance on dormitory.
17. Operation and activities of Dormitory Administration Committee.
18. Dorm safety.
Contact us:
Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages
900, Min-Tzu 1st Road, Sanming District Kaohsiung, 807 Taiwan, R.O.C.
1st floor of Administration Building and dormitory
TEL:+886-7-3426031 ext. 2401~2407, 2251~2253