About our Department

The department puts an equal emphasis on classroom instruction and practical work. Our faculty, with its expertise and practical experience, strive to broaden students’ knowledge of arts and humanities as well as to develop their mass communication production ability. Also, we combine the language expertise of the college and mass communication facilities on campus in teaching, and seek every possible opportunity to cooperate with related industries or arrange internships for our students in the hope that we can reach the goal of combining theory with practice.


Prof. Li-Li Lien

Education Background:

2004 Doctorat, Université de Dijon en Muséologie

1998 D.E.A, Université de Dijon en Muséologie

1995 Maîtrise, Université Paris VII-Denis Diderot en Conception et mise en oeuvre des projets culturels

Fields of Specialization:

Museum trends,Museum management,Import and Export of exhibitions,Exhibition making,Cultural exchange of museums,Sociology of art

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6522

Faculty Members

Prof. Yi-Feng Tsai

Education Background:

Master Degree of Graduate Institute of Studies in Documentary

Film Archiving, Tainan National University of the Arts

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6526

Prof. Yueh-Chyi Lin

Education Background:

Master Degree of Department of Fine Arts, Tunghai University

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6530



Prof. Kit Lam

Education Background:

Ph. D. in Communication Studies, The University of Iowa, USA

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6527

Prof. Tzufang Orchid Huang

Education Background:

Doctor of Education in Educational Psychology and Technology, University of Southern California

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6531

Prof. Yu-Ling Yeh

Education Background:

Ph. D. in Art and Humanity, Coventry University

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6525

Prof. Yu-Hung Lee

Education Background:

Doctor of Creative Arts at University of Technology, Sydney, Australia

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6529



Prof. Chung-Yu Chen

Education Background:

Master Degree of SHU-TE University Department of Information managment

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6528



Prof. James Yu-Chan Lin

Education Background:

M.A. in Communication, National Cheng-Chi University

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 2641



113-2 Department of Communication Arts Teacher Office Hour

Name/Title Period 1 Period 2 Period 3 Period 4
Prof. Li-Li Lien (二)13:10~17:00      
Prof. Yi-Feng Tsai (二)13:10~17:00      
Prof. Yueh-Chyi Lin (二)13:10~14:00 (二)14:10~15:00 (五)13:10~14:00 (五)14:10~15:00
Prof. Chung-Yu Chen (二)14:10~15:00 (四)12:10~14:00 (五)12:10~13:00  
Prof. Kit Lam (二)13:00-15:00 (四)13:00-15:00    
Prof. Tzufang Orchid Huang (一)12:00-14:00 (四)12:00-14:00    
Prof. Yu-Ling Yeh (三)11:00~12:00 (三)13:00~14:00 (四)11:00~12:00 (四)13:00~14:00
Prof. Yu-Hung Lee (一)13:00-16:00      
Prof. James Yu-Chan Lin (二)15:00-17:00 (五)15:00-17:00    

Assistant Selina Chang


TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6502


Assistant Ching-Hung Yen


TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 6505


Office’s Address: Zhishan Hall (8F)


Academic Objectives

The department aims at cultivating students’ knowledge of arts and humanities along with their creative thinking and foreign language ability, and at preparing them for careers in radio, television and electronic media. Our mission is to produce mass communication personnel who are proficient in foreign language, well-versed in the arts, and greatly concerned about society. Our faculty members are PhD degree holders who specialize in communication and arts, and have practical experience. We also recruit famous professionals in the mass communication world as our instructors. Our ultimate goal is to educate our students to become digital media and communication professionals.

Teaching Features and Curriculum Design

  Our curriculum design starts from the basics and gradually moves to higher levels in the combination of theory and practice. Courses cover areas of language and literature, communication, arts, and general education. In addition, students are required to take 24 credits of English courses. It is also possible to take a second foreign language course. With language as the foundation, the main thrust consists of professional courses such as TV PRODUCTION and RADIO PRODUCTION. The curriculum is made complete with the addition of Liberal Arts General Courses that aim at whole-person education. With strict and solid training, we hope to develop our students’ foreign language ability, deepen their knowledge of arts and humanities, and prepare them for careers in radio, television and electronic media.See Couse Credits.

Teaching Facilities & Resources

The facilities and resources are sufficient for our teaching purposes. Our library has collected about 20 thousands books and 116 journals in arts, communication, and other related fields. In addition, the professional studios of this Department include: (1) production studio, (2) control room, (3) broadcasting studios, (4) audio-visual editing rooms, and (5) digital media studio and post production center. Each studio has high quality facilities for students’ practicum in radio, television, and electronic media advertisement. We have recently established the virtual reality studio system, portable directing system, and the networking transmission system for radio and television programs.

  • HD/SD high-definition cameras x 2
  • camera controller: fiber optic camera control unit x 2
  • electric lens remote control handle set x 2
  • professional video camera tripod set x 2
  • folding professional tripod pulley set x 4 
  • HD/SD multi-format switcher × 1
  • well rail + spring suspension light stand × 2
  • LED 24-inch LED studio light × 8
  • 42-inch FHD LED LCD monitor (including floor stand) × 2
  • flat photo frame × 2
This venue provides courses in film and television photography, TV program planning and production, advertising planning and production, communication practice, news interview and writing, experimental short film production, non-linear editing, and documentary production. The simple and complete sub-control directing system allows graduate students to provide an on-campus practice space in the classroom, whether it is documentary special research courses, contemporary video research, media advertising research.

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