Bilingual learning program

The College aims to produce global scholars and professionals for foreign language (especially English) instruction, diplomatic service (including translation), and international business careers. At the bachelor level, we educate students in foreign affairs, cross-cultural communication, and international education. At the master level, we devote our effort to train foreign affairs professionals, business professionals, and international educators in English. Thus, our College intends to integrate subject material and knowledge from different professional areas with bilingual language competency. The significance of EMI is not as a concept or a one-time project, but an ongoing goal and teaching method.
Grounded in the spirit of an International Catholic University, our College reflects the University’s core values and follows the University’s 5-year plans to “develop cross-disciplinary and innovative educational institution” (item 2) and to “create an international network of global mobility” (item 4). Furthermore, we sustain our educational belief with the devotion to the UN’s Sustainable Development Goals (SDGs) goal 4 which targets quality education, and concentrate on the phased practical mechanism and strategies to promote bilingualism. We have translated bilingual missions into process-oriented and competency-oriented learning models. It is our hope that our approach to promote bilingualism can lead Taiwan to become a bilingual society.
To support the national initiatives on bilingual education and make our College more competitive in the future, we will restructure our College. We will further internationalize the curricula and attract global scholars/teachers and international students, specifically in the areas of foreign affairs and international education.