About our Department

The graduates of the Japanese Department of Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages should not only receive a holistic education, but also two foreign languages (English, Japanese) dominate. The main feature of curriculum design is to help students acquire good command of Japanese language in order to enhance their ability of “cross-cultural communication,” “problem solving,” “basic occupational skill,” and “core professional skill.” In response to the needs of the society and industry we cultivate students to become qualified personnel with proactive thinking ability and global perspective. To enhance students’ professional skills, we encourage them to pass various licensing tests and to take up internships in a variety of business environment.


Dr. Chen, Shu-Yin

Education Background:
Ph.D in Graduate School of Comparative Studies of International Cultures and Societies, Kurume University, Japan

Fields of Specialization:
History of Japanese education

Secretary: Ms. Chi-Pei Liu, Ms. Chung-Yung Chu

TEL:+886-7-3426031   ext. 5502-5503
Office:Mingyuan J204

Curriculum Feature

 During the first and second years emphasis will be put on listening, speaking, reading and writing trainings, whereas the third and fourth years will provide various optional courses on Japanese society, culture, economy, business, and politics. Students can choose from translation, teaching and business courses as their core field according to their respective interests. In the fourth year, all students are required to take graduation thesis course. Through oral presentation and discussion in the small group training, students will be likely equipped with fluent speaking ability, critical thinking, and analytic ability. On top of professional Japanese language training, English courses are the other emphasis of the curriculum in order to fulfill the educational goal of bilingualism.

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