
General Information
Wenzao Library is housed in an eight storey building with an underground floor. It is made unique by the variety of its collections, warm and comfortable study environment and a comprehensive bilingual website. The Library maintains well-balanced collection of Chinese and other non-Chinese materials. The Media Resources Area on the fifth floor offers rich and diverse collection of audio-visual materials in various languages. Computer seats and group study rooms are also available for students. In general, Wenzao Library provides varieties of resources, facilities and services to help students with their studies and information needs.
Division | Staff | Phone | Responsibilities |
Director | Prof. Dr. Shoou-Huey Chang | Ext. 2701 | Oversee the administration of the library |
Acquisitions and Cataloging Section | Yu-Chuan Chia | Ext. 2711 |
Acquisitions and Cataloging Section | Rong Yang | Ext. 2721 | |
Acquisitions and Cataloging Section | Scott Hsiang | Ext. 2722 | |
Access Services Section | Hui-Chen Hsieh | Ext. 2721 |
Access Services Section | Alexandria Cheng | ext.2724 |
Access Services Section | Ming-Li Huang | ext.2723 | |
Library Technology Section | Shih-Yuan Hsu | Ext. 2731 |
Library Technology Section | ang-Sheng Lin | Ext. 2732 |
Open Hours
Academic Terms | Summer & Winter Sessions | |
Monday~Friday | 08:00~21:00 | 08:30~16:30 |
Saturday | 09:00~16:00 | 09:00~16:00 |
Sunday | 09:00~16:00 | Closed |
National Holidays and University Closedown Holidays | Closed | Closed |
* In case of particular events (e.g.: make-up holidays, flexible working hours, or other emergency situations), please check the announcement posted on the library website or on the bulletin board.
For Wenzao students, faculty and staff, your Wenzao ID Card serves as a library card. Other non-credit or non-degree students, adjunct faculty or contract staff without a Wenzao ID Card must apply for a Short-Term Library Card with a NT. 1000 refundable deposit in order to access library collection and resources. Alumni must submit the Borrower Registration Form and required documents with a NT. 2000 refundable deposit in order to access library resources and borrow books from Wenzao.
Library Card
Your student ID card is your library card. It is required to have your student ID card with you to access the Library resources or to check out library materials.
As a matriculated student at Wenzao you can check out the following library material types with item limits. Please pay attention to the loan periods, restriction of renewals, and overdue fines.
- Junior College / Undergraduate Students
Material Types | Item Limits | Loan Periods | No. Renewal | Overdue Fines |
Books* & Accompanied CD | 30 | 4 Weeks | Once, 2 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
Current Periodicals | 6 | 2 Days | N.A. | NT. 5 per Day |
Course Reserves | 2 | Overnight** | N.A. | NT. 5 per Hour |
InterLibrary Cards | 2 | 30 Days | N.A. | NT. 5 per Day |
Multimedia Materials | 6 | 5 Days | Once, 3 Days | NT. 10 per Day |
Comics / Graphic Novels | 6 | 4 Weeks | Once, 2 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
Tabletop Games | 1 set | 5 Days | Once, 4 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
eBook Reader | 1 | 7 Days | Once, 7 Days | NT. 100 per Day |
- Graduate Students
Material Types | Item Limits | Loan Periods | No. Renewal | Overdue Fines |
Books* & Accompanied CD | 40 | 4 Weeks | Once, 2 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
Current Periodicals | 6 | 2 Days | N.A. | NT. 5 per Day |
Course Reserves | 2 | Overnight** | N.A. | NT. 5 per Hour |
InterLibrary Cards | 2 | 30 Days | N.A. | NT. 5 per Day |
Multimedia Materials | 6 | 5 Days | Once, 3 Days | NT. 10 per Day |
Comics / Graphic Novels | 6 | 4 Weeks | Once, 2 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
Tabletop Games | 1 set | 5 Days | Once, 4 Weeks | NT. 5 per Day |
eBook Reader | 1 | 7 Days | Once, 7 Days | NT. 100 per Day |
- NoNon-degree Students from Chinese Learning Center or Extension Education Division
Material Types | Item Limits | Loan Periods | No. Renewal | Overdue Fines |
Books* & Accompanied CD | 5 | 4 Weeks | N.A. | NT. 5 per Day |
Please Note:
*Books available for checking out are items from the Library’s general collection. Reference books, faculty publications, theses and dissertations do not circulate.
**Overnight loan: items may be checked out for overnight use 2 hours prior to library closing time and must be returned within 2 hours of opening the following day.
Any questions about borrowing privileges may be directed to staff at the circulation desk or call us at extension 2723 or 2724.
Login and PIN for Online Library Services
Online library services include
- Viewing your library account (current checkout list, due dates, etc.)
- Renewing items
- Placing holds
- Purchase request
- Updating personal contact information
- Off-Campus Access to Library Resources
- Self-check out for books
Your login username is your Wenzao student ID no. and the default PIN (Personal Identification Number) assigned by the Library is the last four digits of your passport number or Taiwan permit entry number. In addition to online library services, with this PIN you may utilize self-check machines for self-service checkout of books.
You can change your PIN at any time by logging into your library account and clicking on the “Modify Your PIN” button. If you forgot your PIN, please visit the Library’s Circulation Desk to reset your PIN. If you have problems, you can call the Library Circulation Desk at extension 2751 for assistance.
Renewing Items
You may renew books and audio-visuals one time unless someone else has placed a hold on that item. Renewals must be made before midnight of the due date to avoid overdue fines. Renewals may be carried out in person at the circulation desk, by telephoning the library or online through your personal library account.
Reserving Items
If someone else has an item on loan which you want, you can place a hold on it to reserve it online through library catalog. Once the item is returned to the library, you will receive an email notice. The item will be held at the Circulation Desk for 7 days for you to check out.
Request for Library Purchase
You are welcome to suggest books or other type of resource for purchase using the Online Purchase Request system. All requests are subject to the Library’s selection policies and budget allocation.
Before you place a request for purchase, please check the Library Catalog to be sure Wenzao Library does not already own the item. If you find this note “1 copy under consideration for Wenzao-Library. ” in the public catalog record, it means that the item is already in ordering process.
Returning Library Books after Hours
There is one book drop available for returning books when the library is closed. It is located in the corridor outside the library building to the left of the entrance. Please note: CDs, DVDs or magazines should be returned to the Circulation Desk during library hours to avoid damages.
Access to “In-Process” Books
If you need an item in the Library Catalog showing “Key in” or other “In Process” status, this means that the item is awaiting cataloging or labelling. If you need the item urgently, please fill out “Urgent Request for Materials under Processing” form. The “In Process” item as requested is given priority for cataloging and should be available within 5 working days.
Search for Item Missing On Shelf
If you are unable to find an item on the shelf, please complete and submit the Request form. Library staff will search for the item and notify you when it is found.
Before submitting the form, please consider that:
- if the book is not on the shelf, it may be on reserve or just returned to the library; please check the Library Online Catalog again or to verify the status or the location.
- it may be misplaced; please check the area around the book’s call number,
- the book may be in use in the library, and if you check back later it may have been returned to the shelf.
You will be notified by phone or e-mail when the item is found. If the Library is unable to locate the item within two weeks, you will be notified that it is a lost item.
Library Notifications via Email
The Library may send automated email notifications to your official Wenzao email account or personal email address if it is updated in your library account. Four types of notifications are listed as follows.
Notification type | Reason for issue |
Due Date Reminder | When an item checked out to you will soon be due for renewal or return. Reminder is delivered 3 days before the due date |
Overdue | When an item becomes overdue |
Hold Awaiting Notice | When an item reserved by you is awaiting pickup at the Circulation Desk. Items are held for 7 days |
Replacement Bill | Once an item checked out to you becomes 60 days overdue. This results in a lost/replacement fee charge in addition to overdue fines |
All notifications from Wenzao Library serves as a courtesy only and non-receipt of a notification is not a valid reason to waive fines. Notifications may fail to reach you due to factors beyond Wenzao Library’s control. It remains your responsibility to return or renew loans on time regardless of receipt of notifications.
Research Support
The Library offers free instructional programs on learning library’s e-resources by appointment. If you have difficulty using library databases or need assistance with research, the Library’s Reference Services is available to assist you.
The Reference Service Desk is located next to the Circulation Desk on the first floor of the Library. You may also contact a librarian by telephone at campus ext. 2721 or email for assistance.
Thesis Submission and Graduation (required for Graduate students)
Graduate student must complete the online submission of your master’s thesis to the Wenzao ETD system before the degree is awarded and leaving the University. Please follow the Wenzao’s Graduate Student Thesis Formatting downloadable at the Office of Academic Affairs website:
Academic Advising Service in the Library
If you have questions or concerns related to your academic studies, or need career guidance, you may seek advice from our dedicated and professional faculty members. Please click here to find more details or make an appointment online.
Group Discussion Rooms
Study space for groups is available in the Library’s sixth and seventh floors. Group discussion rooms are meant for use by three or more Wenzao students or faculty and are intended only for group study. Please make an online reservation in advance by logging into the reservation system using your library account ID and PIN. Collaborative Learning Area, an open space for discussion is also available on the fifth floor for walk-in use.
Media Resources Area/Viewing Rooms
The Media Resources Area (MRA) located on the fifth floor offers rich and diverse collection of audio-visual materials in various languages. The MRA collection can be searched in the Wenzao Library online catalog. Videos or DVDs licensed for home use only must be checked out and viewed at home. Materials with public performance rights may be viewed in the MRA or in a class. Eligible users who can check out materials from the MRA include current Wenzao Students, Faculty, or Staff. Alumni or other users holding a valid Short-Term Library Card are not eligible to check out any material from the MRA, but may use inside the MRA.
There are three rooms in the MRA for use by a small group. Please book a group viewing room in advance by logging into the reservation system using your library account ID and PIN. If your group is more than 10 minutes late, the group’s reservation will be cancelled.
Information Access Area
Computer seats with internet access are available for public use in Information Access Area located on the Library’s first floor. Please book in advance online at reservation system or register for use on site at the Library.
Contact us
900 Min-Tsu 1st Road Kaohsiung 80793, Taiwan R.O.C
Library Building 1st floor
+886-7-3426031 ext.2751 /
Wenzao Library website
Access more than 356,499 books, 81,681 E-Journal