College Dean

Introduction of the College
Liberal arts education has been Wenzao’s philosophy since its founding, and continues to be the core value for sustainable development. Reaching beyond professionalism in students’ development, the College of Liberal Arts Education has exerted its cross-college functionality to cultivate moral and well-mannered students by leading them to a physically, mentally and spiritually healthy state, penetrating liberal arts, and inserting them into harmony with the external world. Well-designed curricula, rites and ceremonies, events and activities of various kinds are offered for sound character formation. Approaches including teacher-student interaction, learner-centered instruction, critical thinking and proactive learning serve as pioneer efforts to be followed throughout the University.
Curriculum Design Concept
Catholic higher education puts emphasis on inspiring and cultivating “rationality” and “belief” of faculty members and students during the process of education, as well as dialogues between the two. Rationality may refer to the inspiration to explore and pursue knowledge and truth in the process of education, and training of critical thinking; belief is to take actions and respond to individual or collective needs based on the value of “revere the Devine, love the human.” With people-centric philosophy, the College of Liberal Arts Education focuses on the dimensions of body, mind, and spirit—for body, the College aims to promote physical health and help students develop lifelong exercise habits; for mind, the College promotes liberal arts and citizenship education; for spirit, the College will assist students in spiritual development and cultivate morality and virtues.
Latest news
Building Bridges Across Asia Pacific-A synodal encounter between Pope Francis and university students (June 7,2024)
Loyola University Chicago (LUC) is hosting the “Across the Asia Pacific: A Conversation with Pope Francis and University Students” event on June 20th. Huang Jie-Hsuan, a senior student from Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages, and Hsieh Hsiang, an NTU electrical engineering student, were chosen to represent Taiwan. They will join students from Australia, the Philippines, Indonesia, South Korea, and Japan in an online conversation with Pope Francis to discuss social issues and propose solutions.
The Wenzao team, led by the Center for Ursuline Education, includes director Huang De-Fang and assistant Lin Yu-Jen. Teachers Lin Yao-Tang and Wang Hsueh-Liang, along with Father Ji Jin-De from Fu Jen Catholic University, serve as advisors. Eight students discussed three topics: youth mental health in the digital age, reconciliation among Taiwan’s ethnic groups, and the impact of political and economic issues on society. These sessions were held online using the “Conversation in the Spirit” method, which emphasizes free expression and attentive listening. On June 4th, students voted and chose Huang Jie-Hsuan as the Taiwanese youth representative.
In response to Pope Francis' encyclical Laudato Si': Wenzao Organizes National Ecological Education Workshop (May 2,2024)
To raise awareness about ecological issues, Wenzao Ursuline University of Languages is hosting the “Laudato Si’ – Ecological Education Workshop” through its Ursuline College of Liberal Arts . Based on Pope Francis’ encyclical “Laudato Si’,” the workshop features Filipino ecological experts Rodne Rodiño Galicha and John Leo C. Algo. They will show how to respond to the Pope’s call to respect and protect nature, inspiring participants to care more about the environment. This event has drawn experts, scholars, and enthusiastic participation from Wenzao’s faculty and students nationwide.
"Congratulations" Teachers from Ursuline College of Liberal Arts Win Principal Bosco Wenruey Lee Award, each receiving a prize of 100,000 NTD (April 03,2024)
Wenzao alumnus and award-winning teacher, Chapman Kuo (General Education Center), shared his joy. He graduated from both the Evening Division’s two-year English program and the Day Division’s two-year English program, receiving diplomas signed by Principal Bosco Wenruey Lee. Principal Lee also officiated his wedding in 2009, making this scholarship especially meaningful to him.
Another award-winning teacher, Wu Ying-Chieh (Center for Ursuline Education), noticed many Wenzao students facing financial difficulties.He started a study group to improve their financial literacy, aiming for self-help and mutual support. Inspired by Principal Lee’s dedication to nurturing and helping others, he strives to assist everyone to the best of his ability.
View more about faculties, curriculum design and intern opportunities.

Center for Ursuline Education

Center for General Education