About our Center
The Educational Philosophy of Wenzao is inherited from the educational tradition of the Roman Union of the Order of St. Ursula. St. Angela, the foundress of the Ursulines, was a visionary in the field of education. St. Angela successfully integrated faith into human formation. She believed that each individual was an image of God, with unique value and dignity. She also believed everyone has infinite potential and an indispensable mission. The purpose of education is to guide students to gradually develop and extend their God-given potential.
In order to develop the philosophy of Ursuline Education, “Spiritual Service Center” was expanded into “Ursuline Education Center” (UEC) in August 2011. UEC is named after the Order of Saint Ursula. The center is in charged of whole person education curricula and spiritual guidance.
Teachers in UEC are specialized in philosophy, education, religious study, psychology, pastoral counseling, psychotherapy etc. We integrate whole person education curricula and spiritual guidance to serve staff and faculty in Wenzao.

Yu-Chen Lin
International League organization-related affairs、Organizing on-campus religious ceremonies and activities

Yi-Ying Chiu
University-level ceremonies and celebrations、Organizing activities related to the Wenzao Laurel Method

I-Chun Liu
Conference and meeting preparations、Course-arrangement
Curriculum Design Concept
Human development: introduction to university studies
This subject is approved as a core compulsory course that aims to provide students a foundation for the development of Life objective included in Wenzao’s 3L education goals. Based on the orientations of wholistic education. It leads students to comprehend and cultivate the spiritual development aiming at forming physical, psychological and spiritual development of one’s personal life. The course covers themes on exploring career development, multidimensional learning, sex education and life ethics.
This course will help students
- Be edified by the educational spirit of the Ursula School.
- Explore the campus culture of Wenzao.
- To adapt to college life more quickly.
- Develop a healthy personality.
- Seek lifelong development and plan for it.
- Form healthy interpersonal relationships and a consciousness of gender equality.
- Learn a culture of respecting human dignity and the individual’s unique value.
- Learn to appreciate life and form ability to consider matters from the perspective of ethics.
Servant- Leadership and Self-Management
This compulsory course is offered for students of the 2-year College Program based on Wenzao’s core competencies: 3L (Life/Language/Leadership), to develop a servant-leadership mindset and skills for future employment related to problem solving, decision making and self-management.
The course covers theories and applications of leadership and self-management, phase-based goal setting, and additional theories and experience useful for employment to develop individual potential.
Students will be able to:
- Students are able to propose solutions when problems are identified.
- Students are able to put self-management into practice in daily life.
Moral Formation: Introduction to Wenzaorian Spirit
The series of compulsory courses is designed for all students in the 5-Year Junior College, focusing on the physical, mental and spiritual development and their integration. There are different themes, such as self-discovery, interpersonal relationships, multiple intelligences and learning styles, career planning, ethical speculation, service leadership and spiritual nourishment, organized systematically according to the needs of student development in different years. By encouraging wider and deeper self-reflection in students year by year, the course aims to foster their healthy personality.
The course content of the freshman year responds to one of the three core competencies (3L)—Life, concerning the dimension of developing students’ potential, and fostering the ability of solidarity and self-discipline.
The course of this semester focuses on the learning and application of non-violent communication. Through instructors’ guidance, small group discussions, and after-class practice, students could become Wenzaorians who are compassionate listeners and communicators, which would in turn lay a solid foundation for a group life.
Students will be able to:
- being conscious of one’s own psychological states, such as one’s internal observations, feelings, needs, and requests.
- being conscious of other’s psychological states, such as other’s internal observations, feelings, needs, and requests.
- establishing compassionate modes of communication among the self and others.
Semianr / International Exchanges
►113 Academic Year
2024.8.20-24 30th ASEACCU Annual Conference, Hosted by Australian Catholic University, North Sydney, Australia
►112 Academic Year
2023.8.22-26 29th ASEACCU Annual Conference, Saint Louis University, Baguio City, Philippines
2023.10.18-20 2023ACUCA Management Conference, Christian University, Thailand
2024.6 Building Bridges Across Asia Pacific: A Synodal Encounter between Pope Francis and University Students, On-line
Events & Liturgy

Chapel in Praise of Jesus
– Daily Mass:Mon. 5:10-6:00 p.m.
※Winter and summer vacation suspended
– Sunday Mass:Sat. 8:00-9:00 p.m.

Freshmen Ceremony
– 5 years Division
– 2 years Division
– 4 years Division
– Night Division
– Adulthood Ceremony
– Gratuation Investiture

2024 Holly Week
Chapel in Praise of Jesus
3/23 Sat. 8:00 p.m. Palm Sunday Mass
3/28 Thu. 8:00 p.m. Load’s Supper
3/29 Fri. 3:15 p.m. Statuons of the Cross
3/29 Fri. 8:00 p.m. Good Friday
3/30 Sat. 8:00 p.m. Easter Vigil
3/31 Sun. 9:00 a.m. Easter Sunday
※ For the sacrament of reconciliation, please contact Ursuline Eduation Center.

Christmas Activity
Sports Field / Auditorium / Chapel in Praise of Jesus
– Advent Lights Ceremony
– Campus Christmas Caroling
– Christmas Eve Vigil Mass:12/24 8:00 p.m.
– Christmas Day Mass:12/25 9:00 a.m.
Advent Lights Ceremony

Lourdes Hall G245-1
Capacity : 6 persons

St. Angela Spiritual Center 2F
Capacity : 10 persons

St. Angela Spiritual Center 4F
Capacity : 30 persons

Chapel in Praise of Jesus
Capacity : 80 persons

St. Ursula Hall
Capacity : 60 persons

Capacity : 8 persons
Faculty Members

Peter Yao Tang Lin
Vice President / Professor
ext. 1109/ 7317
Email: linyt@mail.wzu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Educational Entrepreneurship and Management National University of Tainan
Office Hour
Tue. 10:00-12:00
Thu. 10:00-12:00
– Theory and Practice of Whole Person Education
– Student Affairs Theory and Practice for Higher Education
– Catholic Higher Education Theory and Practice

Chen Ching Hsien
Office: Z411
ext. 6421
Email: 100522@mail.wzu.edu.tw
M.A. in Department of Chemistry, National Tsing Hua University
Office Hour
Wed. 10:00-12:00
Thu. 10:00-12:00
Fields of Specialization
-Organic Chemistry
-Life Education

Markus J.J. Wang
Associate Professor
Office: G321
ext. 7313
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University
Office Hour
Tue. 12:00-12:50
Thu. 12:00-12:50
Fields of Specialization
– Philosophy of Christianity
– Natural Law Theory
– Philosophy of Life
– John C. H. Wu’s Personality and Legal Though

Jet Wu
Office: Z602-2
ext. 7223
Email: 95201@mail.wzu.edu.tw
M.A. in Department of Thanatology and Health Counseling and Graduate Institute of Life and Death Education and Counseling, National Taipei University of Nursing and Health Sciences
Office Hour
Tue. 13:00-17:00
Fields of Specialization
-Volunteering and service learning
-Life and death studies
-Grief counseling
-Children’s religious education

Angela Hsiu Chu Hsu
Assitant Professor
Office: Q913
ext. 7321
Email: 99948@mail.wzu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Adult Education, Northern Illinois University
Office Hour
Tue. 13:00-15:00
Thu. 15:00-17:00
Fields of Specialization
– Peace Education
– Assessment in Teaching
– Marriage and Family

Te Fan Wang
Assitant Professor
Office: Q914
ext. 7312
Email: 94061@mail.wzu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Philosophy, Fu Jen Catholic University
Office Hour
Wed. 08:00-12:00
Fri. 10:00-12:00
Fields of Specialization
– Philosophy of Karl Raimund Popper
– Episitmlolgy

Francis Pan
Assitant Professor
Office: Q912
ext. 7322
Email: 99471@mail.wzu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Religious Studies, Fu Jen Cathloic University
Office Hour
Tue. 10:00-12:00
Thu. 10:00-12:00
Fields of Specialization
Christian Spirituality / Bible / Theology / Sociology of Religion / Psychology of Religion / Philosophy of Life

Chin Chuan Chen
Associate Professor
Office: Z0601
ext. 7314
Email: 90017@mail.wzu.edu.tw
Ph.D. in Educational Psychology and Counseling National Taiwan Normal University
Office Hour
Tue. 13:00-15:00
Fri. 15:00-17:00
Fields of Specialization
– Psychological Counseling
– Cilinical Supervision

Michael Hsuehliang Wang
Office: Z0602-1
ext. 7232
Email: 90018@mail.wzu.edu.tw
M.A. in Religious Studies, Fu-Jen Catholic University
Office Hour
Mon. 10:00-12:00
Tue. 13:00-15:00
Wed. 08:00-10:00
Fields of Specialization
– Psychology
– Theological Anthroplolgy