Master’s Degree Program of International Affairs- Downloads ()更多碩士相關表格請點選此連結 For more info, please click on the following link: (一) 文藻外語大學碩士學位考試辦法 (106(含)學年後入學適用) new! Guidelines for Master’s Degree Exam new! (二) 研究生論文敦請指導教授志願表 (word.) (odt.) Application Form for Graduate Students to Invite Advisors (word.) (odt.) (三) 研究生更換指導教授申請書 (word.) (odt.) Application Form for Graduate Students to Change Advisors (word.) (odt.) Checklist for Proposal 文藻外語大學研究所論文計畫考核作業要點 (四) 論文計畫考核申請書 (word.) (odt.) new! Thesis Proposal Hearing Application (word.) (odt.) new! (五) 論文計畫審查評分表 (word.) (odt.) Thesis Proposal Review Form (Each Committee) (word.) (odt.) (六) 論文計畫審查成績表 (word.) (odt.) Thesis Proposal Review Form (All Committee) (word.) (odt.) (七) 論文計畫修改說明表 (word.) (odt.) Thesis Proposal Revision Form (word.) (odt.) (八) 研究生論文規範格式 (word.) new logo Graduate Student Thesis Formatting (word.) new logo Checklist for Oral Defense (九) 碩士學位考試-申請表 (word.) (odt.) new! Master’s Thesis Defense Application Form (word.)(odt.) new! (十) 無違反學術倫理聲明書 (word.) (odt.)new! Academic Ethics Statement (word.) (odt.)new! iThenticate: 論文比對系統 plagiarism detecter (link) manuals (link)new! (十一) 學術倫理教育課程及考試 (link) 操作手冊(link) Academic Research Ethics Course and Exam (link) Manuals (link) (十二) 碩士學位考試委員名冊申請表 (word.) (odt.) Master’s Thesis Defense Committee Members – Application Form (word.) (odt.) (十三) 碩士學位考試評分表 (word.) (odt.) Master’s Thesis Defense Scoring Chart (word.) (odt.) (十四) 碩士學位考試成績表 (word.) (odt.) Master’s Thesis Defense Scoring Record (word.) (odt.) (十五) 碩士論文簽名頁 (word.) Master’s Thesis Oral Defense Approval Form (word.) (十六) 碩士論文定稿確認書 (word.) (odt.) Final Version of Thesis Confirmation Form (word.) (odt.) Checklist for Finalized Copy and Leaving School Process 畢業生離校手續單 (word.) (link) new! Graduate Student Exit Procedures (word.) (link) new!